Integration series: How to install with Elastic/Kibana bundle

Updated: 2024-05-28

Explore integrating LLM Gateway with Elastic/Kibana bundle. Discover running multi-container application, making LLM requests, and visualizing the logs in Kibana Dashboard.

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The video is a tutorial on setting up an LLM Gateway with Elastic/Kibana bundle, specifically using the container application. It guides viewers through the process of downloading the Docker Compose file and starting a multi-container application with Elastic/Kibana bundle.

The video also covers Docker installation verification, the use of Docker commands to run the container, and the LLM request using the CURL command and Python code.

Additionally, it explains how to log in to Elastic on the local host and utilize Kibana Dashboard to visualize the LLM log. It covers creating Elastic password and viewing the analytics of the API calls passed through LLM Gateway.

Video: How to install with Elastic/Kibana Bundle. Watch on YouTube.

Gecholog.aiLLM GatewayElasticKibanaLLM Dashboard

Visulizing LLM logs with Seamless Integration with Elastic and Kibana Dashboard

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